last update 2/17/2016
new poem added
David Cleveland
Michael was a powerful and influential figure in many aspects of our glider world and elsewhere. His contribution to the sport and our lives was immense.
Many of us owe our start and involvement in soaring to his mentorship and guidance. He was an accomplished glider pilot, airline pilot and purveyor of all things Italian. He will be missed.
Brian Dobson
How does one begin to attempt to quantify another's life in a few words, and hope to do justice to the man that pertain to? As we remember Michael now, and his profound impact on each of our lives, I believe the immense hurt we all feel is directly proportional to the happiness, the passion, the sheer joy he saturated everyone around him with.
Michael's legacy - for many of us I expect - is that through the tears and grief of losing him, we can't help but feel immensely happy at his memory. I met Michael and Ruthann six years ago, when they paid a visit to my little optical shop in Salt Lake City. Always one for a challenge, I enjoyed talking to all connoisseurs of meticulous optics. You probably know the ones: engineers, scientists, ...pilots! So in sitting down that first time with the Povinellis, I was ready for anything. To my surprise, they were the kindest, most easy-going, and most in-love pilots I'd ever had the pleasure to meet! Of course, the pilot in me (flight school almost ten years before still counts right?) just had to get to know these two more, and a fast friendship was born.
Over the next few years, I ventured on to other offices - and Michael and Ruthann were always there to follow me. It was perhaps a simple gesture on their part, but they had a way of making one feel deeply appreciated, and always respected. As our friendship grew, we would get together for the occasional lunch adventure. Always good food, but made even better with the exceptionally fine company! We enjoyed backyard BBQ's and birthday parties. They loved our two crazy Chocolate Labradors, and even managed to get them to behave in magical ways I still can't figure out! We went to Red Butte concerts, and danced together. We even went soaring up in Heber - something I have always loved. And while I can't say for sure, I think they may have forgiven me by now for trying (but sadly failing) to keep lunch down in their beautiful new glider!
Over the past year or so, Michael and Ruthann, and my wife Gwen and I have also been remodeling our kitchens. Michael was always keen to show us the latest design - man was he good at both planning and immaculate execution! His eye for detail, precision, and aesthetic were second to none. A man always pleased with a good result, but never smug or arrogant. Michael had a way of making even the least of us feel important, valued and loved. I will always miss, and never forget his firm handshake, his glittering eyes always flashing with intelligence and just the right amount of mischief, the way his smile lit up whichever room/backyard/hanger/cockpit he happened to be in at the time, or the warmth of his hugs.
He was a man much larger than his 6 foot plus frame let on. And the mark he has made on all of us is something utterly irreplaceable. We love you Michael - and we miss you every day. I hate to say it now, and really you were the only one I know who could do it with such perfection:
Arrivederci my dear friend.
Brian Dobson
P.S. Below is a link to a short video of the ride we took that beautiful Sunday afternoon, soaring along Mt Timpanogos.
Lundevall Family
A Great Example and a Great Man.
We lived by Michael and Ruthann for a few years and were always SO impressed by their ability to connect and offer help/advice with almost any situation. If you managed to see Michael you knew that Ruthann was certainly close by. We loved all of our conversations and time with them and even before his passing we cherished each experience so much.
Our minds have been reeling over the past few days and we had hoped that they both know how often we think of them. Our love for both of them we cant even describe. Our kids remember flying with them and to see how they light up when sharing is just AWESOME! We thank you both for your dedication to our family. We love you and are so grateful for a plan that comforts us to know we will see Michael again.
The Lundevall's
Ty Yorgason
One of Mike's Co-Pilots
I flew as Mike's Co-Pilot at Delta. Mike always had entertaining stories that had me laughing and smiling the entire trip. Going on a trip with him was like going for an airplane ride with an old friend. A phrase often repeated when flying with Mike is "Was that for us? Or... Say again for Delta XXXX." ATC was always interrupting a good story.
I have NEVER met a person who I've felt was more of genuinely good person than Mike Povinelli. I know that I am a better person for having been around Mike and hope to pass on what I've learned from Mike to my kids. I will miss his big smile and his warm greeting for now but believe we'll see "Elder Povinelli" again. (You'll have to get the "Elder" story from Mike Ethridge.)
Ty Yorgason
Tony Ruggiero
My Friend
Dear Michael, Your passion for life infected everyone you knew. When you left Elmont for the “wild blue yonder” I got pulled along for the ride. When Schade and I visited you in Idaho it changed my life (did you know if you take pictures while you are driving you can also run over highways signs - I loved that trick!), or Napa where we discovered, even in a mini-van with my daughters, there was nothing better than blasting the Beach Boys while driving through the vineyards and Salt Lake where we spent the night pulling stuck cars out of snow banks on our way skiing (2 Elmont boys not letting 10 feet of snow stop us from having a good time). Every moment spent with you was pure joy.
You made my life more interesting (how far down the Mummy Tunnel are we?), more exciting (on seeing the “Great Balancing Rock” you said "let’s see if we can push it over") and lots more fun (didn’t know my Grandama could do the “worm” until you and Schade showed her how at my wedding). Michael, when you get to the Pearly Gates - don’t let St. Peter clip your wings (and don’t wreck the place before we get there). I will do my best to live the rest of my life the way you lived yours.
Your friend,
Tony (A.K.A. Benardo)
Roger Baker
"Loved ya man"......................
Mike, Like so many, many other people and friends, I didn't get to say good bye. Somehow by writing you this letter, and by my prayers, I can know that you'll get this. We spent a lot of time communicating through email, so here is one last one.
Every time we talked, or worked on a project together, you made it clear how much you love, admire, care for Ruth Ann. Just the way you smile and say "Ruthy", I know she is your best friend and chosen companion. I admire you for that. I also have the most respect and admiration for the way you have lived your life, the things you have seen and done, your precise way of doing things.
Somehow I made it through today. I feel like I just went through the motions of doing stuff today, but at no time where you not ever in my thoughts and prayers. No matter where I went, or what I did, you have been with me. I hear your voice and see your smile every time I turn around. I go to drop over and tell you all sorts of mundane stuff, I look at my phone and try to call, but I can't. So here it is, midnight, the house is quite, the light's are out, and it's still you and me. Me trying to figure this all out, and how to help Ruth Ann, and the only thing I can do is sit and type, hoping you'll know how much your missed.
Somewhere, sometime down the road we'll see each other again. We'll laugh and have a great time, and this sorrow and pain will seem but a brief moment in time. Until then, I'll try to do my best to help out, and not loose the memory of our friendship. Of all the souls who have ever walked the face of this earth, you are one of the good guy's. I don't know why all the good guy's have to leave us, and probably never will. You are missed, and truly, I love you.
Miss ya,