last update 2/17/2016
new poem added
Robert Murphy
The memories will last forever
We first met on Joan Court as children and the friendship will last forever. Hanging out in your room with the boa constrictor and listening to Alice Cooper is etched in my memory. Playing army in the ditch, exploring the mummy tunnel, and creating havoc with the Bellino brothers, Roy, Chickie, Lombardi, Lemp, Edelman and my brother Jimmy was a daily occurrence. Minibikes, motorcycles, drag racing with Marty Tretola, Stephen, and Jimmy. What a way to grow up.
Your parents always were warm to welcome me in to their home and when you left for the Air Force, you left behind a legend that we will always cherish. Holiday visits and facebook kept us in touch over the years and now the fond memories will have to fill an immense void.
Thank you for being my friend and the special moments we shared made me a better person who also shares the same passion for life that you did. See you on the other side when the good Lord decides to reunite us.
I love you my friend! Rest in peace!
Luis E. Perez
Delta Air Lines Classmate
I am deeply saddened by Mike's tragic death. He was a classmate of mine at Delta Air Lines. I am honored to have known Mike and send my sincerest condolences to your family.
God bless you Mike
William Wolfe
Michael and Ruthann are the brother and sister you wish you had if you were allowed a say in the matter. Michael and Ruthanne have accomplished many difficult things in life and are very tolerant of those who came up "a day late and a dollar short." No explanation needed for Brother Michael or Sister Ruthanne. Together they encouraged everyone they meet to get up, buck up, and get back on the saddle.
It is sometimes hard to understand this life, yet Michael was always philosophical about the disappointments and just plain sometime unfairness of this existence. Michael is/was no fool and expected your best, just do it, excuses can be aired at a later time. I preferred to deliver and bask in the glory of a job well done as acknowledged by Michael and Ruthanne in many small and significant ways.
I didn't call enough in the last few years and always thought there would be more time after the trivia of personal and family problems. I commented once on the phone a few years back to Michael about my generation, mortality, and how the previous generations were fading away sooner than I was prepared for. Michael as wise as a sage replied, "William, you know what that means? We are next." I didn't and don't understand.
I am thankful that Michael and Ruthanne are my friends. I realize that a friendship is a rare thing. Thank you for being my friend(s). Brother Michael, Thank you.
Love you friend.
Peter Hayward
Don't know where to begin with sorrow.
I was fortunate enough to have flown with Mike a couple of times. He had such a wonderful smile on his face every time, really enjoyed the job, flying in general, never a bad word to say about any part of it, early rises or late to beds, great attitude.
He was so eager to help out a new F/O learning the ropes for Delta in general and I had a few little tricks of the trade I had picked up out of the school house on the Bus so we spent the flight imparting knowledge on each other with him giving me 99% of advice and myself with a couple of little Bus-isms that I had learned in the last training. He just was such a great pilot to have in our 320 fleet/family out here in Salt Lake City.
Heart filled sorrow to his family and and friends and we lost a great friend in Mike. So sorry to hear this, really just a wonderful guy.
Leslee Schindler
First Officer A320 SLC
Michael was a great guy and fun to fly with. I loved the way he always greeted his wife on the phone. Ruth I am so sorry for your loss. Mike always made me laugh.
Thinking of you both.
Janet Schmaltz Wilson
Childhood Friend
I knew Michael and his sister Michelle as we grew up in the same neighborhood in Elmont, LI, NY. Michael was always a sweet, energetic person. I am saddened to hear of his passing at such a young age.
My condolences to his family. Sweet dreams Michael, you are now an angel to watch over your family
Kenny Mizzi
I grew up in Elmont directly across the street from the Povinellis and was fortunate to have them as neighbors. I guess Mike didn't have his license yet but had a Kawasaki motorcycle that he would ride around Joan Court.
Whenever he saw me outside, he would drive me around the neighborhood, usually while being chased by another neighbors dog! I also remember him walking or riding around with the big boa constrictor around his neck!
Always good times.
Lynn Higgins
The loss of a Great Friend.
I was deeply saddened to learn of Mikes passing, the world has lost a truly great person. I was an FAA glider specialist that was lucky enough to work with Mike. We interacted during the conduct of different certification evaluations and though this was professional in nature, Mikes wonderfully warm demeanor quickly caused me to consider him a friend.
I was always impressed by Mike's professionalism, technical expertise, positive attitude, and gracious ways. He truly was a "class act" and a delight to work with. Knowing he isn't out there spreading his brand of "Mike" in the world causes the day to be not as bright. Most sincere condolence to Ruthann, who I was graced to get to fly with and know with Mike.
There are no good words to say when one experiences the loss that you have Ruthann. Know my hopes and prayers go out for the comforting of your heart and peace in your being.
Bud Khader
The loss of a Great Friend.
I learned to know Michael during his frequent visits to O'Falafel Mediterranean Restaurant (owned by my cousin Mustafa). His friendly demeanor made one feel comfortable to join him and visit while he enjoyed his meal. "Ruthie is flying back to Salt Lake," he would say, "I want to be there to greet her when she gets home." He always said this with a twinkling smile on his face. When Michael and Ruth came together to eat, we knew better to stay clear and let the loving couple enjoy their date without intrusion.